Fashion roundup: Your mid year must-haves this July

Fashion roundup: Your mid year must-haves this July

Help reduce waste by transforming any of your unused or unwanted fabrics into re-designed products on your next visit to Singapore.

GINLEE Studio is a contemporary womenswear label that also allows its customers to repurpose their fabrics and materials into new products.

Read the full article here

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a fashion world with zero waste? paving the way with Make O.

a fashion world with zero waste? paving the way with Make O.

Small Laude & Karen Davila discover Singapore’s luxurious escapades | It’s a Small World: Singapore

Small Laude & Karen Davila discover Singapore’s luxurious escapades | It’s a Small World: Singapore

与衣物重修旧好 再续前缘

与衣物重修旧好 再续前缘


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